Thursday, February 19, 2015

Weekend Adventures: The Family Bach at Whangamata

Aaron and Scott invited a bunch of friends up to the Whangamata to stay at the family bach for the weekend by the beach. [A “bach” is like a getaway/holiday home for the non-Kiwis reading!] We stocked up with Steinlagers, lamb, and salad goodies for a barbeque for that Friday night.

After a day in the sun, body surfing and watching a surfing competition down the beach, we were ready for some food! Marski was able to experience her first lamb ever (mind blown)! As soon as the rest of the Kiwis showed up the night began with a round of Circle of Fire (King’s Cup for the Americans) and some good ole NZ debauchery.

During the weekend I was introduced to the “Box Game” as it is called simply. Basically, the goal is to bend over and pick up a box with your teeth without letting anything other than your feet touch the ground. Each time around the circle, you rip cardboard off the top of the box. Flexibility and technique are of upmost importance. Moso’s effective, yet hilarious-looking “frog technique”, where he grabbed his ankles as his rear end stuck straight in the air was good for lots of laughs. Others attempted a more lunge-y technique. Those who attempted a splits technique quickly realized such a method would no longer work once the box only came up one inch off the ground.

Needless to say, each day more mates showed up. The laughter did not stop, and neither did the slang. All in all, an ideal way to start the NZ Adventure.

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